Firstlight Programme Schedule (New Zealand time)

Daily Schedule for Saturday, July 27, 2024

Time  ▾ Series Episode Speakers
12:00 AM Amazing Facts-Eyedentity Going to Hell in a Ferrari Calvin Kim
01:00 AM Jacob Tells His Story Joseph Feeds the World Francois du Plessis
01:30 AM Pathway to Peace The Test of Discipleship Tim Rumsey & David Salazar
02:00 AM Adventist Evangel-Phobia - 7 Steps to Recovery Adventist Evangel-Phobia - 7 Steps to Recovery Larren Cole
03:00 AM The Creation Case Oceans Rich Aguilera
03:30 AM Autumn Leaves Power of His Love Doug Hurley
04:15 AM Creation Scapes Best of Creationscapes Creation Scapes
04:30 AM Hopelives365 Preparing for the Crisis in End Times Mark Finley
05:30 AM Receiving the Word Anatomy of a Burning Bright Life Part 1 Chris Buttery
06:00 AM Secrets Unsealed Do I Tithe Borrowed Money Stephen Bohr & David Salaza
06:30 AM The Preparation Ministry The Table of Shewbread Brian Hall
07:15 AM Creation Scapes Celtic Wind Creation Scapes
07:30 AM Revelation Today in Charlotte The Mystery of Death (Deadly Delusions) Ron Halvorsen
08:30 AM A Day With the King Jacob in Exile Natalee McLean & Cecily Harker
09:00 AM Salvation in Symbols & Signs The Seal of God Rafferty & Myers
09:30 AM Receiving the Word I Want to Be Free - Part 1 Fred Dana
10:00 AM 3ABN Panel 3ABN Sabbath Study Hour 3ABN Panel
11:00 AM 3ABN Worship Hour Unmasked, A Major Demonic Deception John Dinzey
12:00 PM The Great Reset The Mark of the Beast John Bradshaw
01:30 PM Help in Daily Living Wages Hosted by Mike Lemon
02:00 PM Healthy Living Legumes a Superfood Margot Marshall
02:30 PM Amazing Facts Doug Batchelor Cleansing the Sanctuary 1 Doug Batchelor
03:00 PM Gods Final Call Signs and Lying Wonders P1 Mark Woodman
04:00 PM Give Me the Bible - Second Coming Signs of His Coming Kenneth Cox
05:00 PM Pathway to Paradise REVOLUTION The Cause of Suffering Tim Rumsey
06:00 PM AWR Amazing Prophecies Revelation's Forgotten History Kyle Allen
07:00 PM Pathway to Paradise The Model Home - Part 3 Tim & Stacey Rumsey
07:30 PM The Days of Noah The Flood

Jeff Reich

09:00 PM Answers In Genesis Creation Hour Answers to the Most Asked Ken Ham, Jason Lisle, David Menton
10:00 PM On The Road 2024 1844 And The Day Of Atonement Ross Patterson
10:45 PM Testimony Mark Sowerby Revelation18
11:00 PM The Incredible Journey The Patriot - Thomas Meagher Gary Kent
11:30 PM Dare To Dream Network The Serpents Whisper Blessings Winn & Eric Wilson