Free Book Offer - The Great Controversy

Written by Ellen G White - As Advertised on Firstlight
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Unparalleled changes taking place around us forecast rapid and distressing events of the greatest magnitude.
Already, in many hearts, there are sorrows and ills that no human balm seem able to heal. In many places, there are restless and unsettled state of affairs, causing political and religious forces to forge unprecedented alliances. And, wholly beyond the control of humanity, there are unregulated forces of nature which unleash calamities one after another in quick sucession: earthquakes, tornadoes, destruction by fire and flood, often with great loss of life and property.
Solemn and important, indeed, are the events taking place in our times. But what do these all really mean? Could these be warning signs, arousing us to some imminent danger? What should be our role in the fast-approaching events soon to break upon the earth?
This book provides definitive answers. Drawing upon lessons from history as well as Bible prophecy, The Great Controversy reveals that the world is a theater of conflict. The actors—you and me—are preparing to act our part in the last day drama. And our choices and actions have a part to play in the outcome of this agelong struggle.
You owe it to yourself to read this book. For, "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
We wish to advise that this offer is only available ....
- as long as stocks last
- to those who reside in New Zealand (or the United Kingdom*)
Only one copy per person please. :)
If you would like us to send you a copy of this book, please email us here.
This book is also available as a pdf download.
And as an Audiobook.
* The book that will be sent to UK addresses is written by the same author, it is exactly the same text but has a different front cover.